When people in Washington consider their plans for the future, they may want to consider not only making out their will or developing a trust but also assigning proper beneficiaries for bank accounts and other funds. A transfer on death beneficiary named on an account...
Full-Service Probate And Estate Planning Assistance
Month: June 2022
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The simplified probate process in Washington
Simplified probate makes it easier for a surviving spouse or beneficiary to collect the remaining estate. There are faster, more streamlined ways of transferring a deceased person's assets in Washington. Streamlining the process Most states have simplified versions of...
Creating a will and estate plan passes on your assets
If you own funds in a bank in Washington state, it's essential to create a will and designate a beneficiary to receive them. Otherwise, distributing your money will be handled by another party, which may not be what you would like. Creating an estate plan allows you...